- No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.
- Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.
- Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.
- High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
- Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.
- Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.
- Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.
- Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.
- Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.
- Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.
Top 10 Brain-Damaging Habits
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Architectural Watercolors by Sunga Park
Architectural watercolor studies by Sunga Park, she now lives and works in Busan, South Korea. You can see more of her work on Behance.
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MoVI set to revolutionise filmmaking
MOVI is a hand-held gimbal rig developed by Freefly Cinema. The M5 will cost about $7500 and capable of holding 5lbs, or a small DSLR setup.
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Hit counts measures the number of requests sent for a file to the server.
This is a dated and largely unhelpful metric because every request for any file is counted. Although it sounds useful, actually it gives you little actionable information. If you have a page containing four images, one request for that page is counted as five hits. To increase your hits, you can add images to the page!
Due to the misleading nature of the metric, few people use it seriously, and the term “Hits” is often incorrectly used in conversation and the media when what they actually mean is to describe traffic in general, or specifically visits or page views.
– Excerpt from the book ProBlooger
Fonts, fonts and more fonts
Don’t you just hated when your working on a project and everything looks perfect… but the font displaying the message is just not cutting the cake.
You spend half an hour just scrolling your systems font list just end up frustrated. Next step, you go online to look for the perfect font and it has a price tag on it, and you have a budget. If your that person, I have compiled a small list of sites that offer FREE fonts, no catch:
- www.searchfreefonts.com
- www.dafont.com (Personal favorite)
- www.fontex.org
- simplythebest.net
- www.misprintedtype.com (Truly unique)
- www.allfontz.com
- www.abstractfonts.com
- www.jabroo.com
- www.fontriver.com
Here are some interesting font related resources:
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